Ohio's Past International Director
Homer L. Hoover (Mary)
International Director 1963-65
Homer L. Hoover of Wooster, Ohio was elected at the International convention in
Miami Beach, Florida in 1963.
A past president of the Wooster Lions Club, Past Director Hoover had held the
offices of zone chairman, District Governor and International Counsellor.
In recognition of service to the association Past Director Hoover had
received a Key Award, 15 International President's Award and two Extension Awards.
He served on the Financial Committee and was Chairman of the Lions Information
Lion Hoover received his B.S. Degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and
did graduate work in Philadelphia. He worked for the Sears organization
Past Director Hoover and his wife had three children.
Past International
Director Homer Hoover passed away on January 5, 1989. You can read his In
Memoriam printed in the
April 1989 Lion Magazine.
