Ohio's Past International Director
W. R. " Dick" Bryan
International Director: 1957-1959
"Dick" as he was best known to the Lions of Ohio and throughout the
International Association was elected a Director in June 1957.
He was a Key member and served his club twice as President.
He served as Zone Chairman, Deputy Governor, District Governor and Chairman of
the State Council of Governors. He had a ten year perfect attendance, two
Extension Awards and the 100% District Governors Award.
Lion Bryan was born in Ashland, Ohio, was a graduate of Wooster High School,
received his A. B. degree from the College of Wooster.
He did graduate work at Ohio State University. He was manager of the Training
Division of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in Akron.
He was a member of the Board of Education, the Park Board, the American
Personnel Guidance Association, the National Vocation Guidance Association, the
American Society of Training Directors, Boy Scouts, Delta Sigma Rho, National
Honorary Speech Fraternity, and the Masonic Lodge. Director Bryan was a
Methodist. He and his wife *Celia had one daughter *Sally, and one son, Larry.
Lion Dick served on the Publications Committee of Lions International and as
Vice Chairman of the Membership Development and Retention Committee.
He also
served as Chairman of this most important Committee.
"We are Proud of our Director" State Council of Governors.
