PID Gary L. Brown 

Ohio's Past International Director
Gary L. Brown 
International Director: 2003-2005


Gary L. Brown, of Urbana, Ohio, USA, was elected to serve a two-year term as a director of The International Association of Lions Clubs at the association’s 86th International Convention, held in Denver, Colorado, USA, June 30-July 4, 2003.


Past Director Brown is a general contractor.


Past Director Brown has held many offices within the association, including club president, zone chair, district governor and council chair. Additionally he has served on numerous committees, such as the Multiple District 13 Long Range Planning Committee and as an advisor to the Ohio Lions state office.


In recognition of his service to the association he has received numerous awards, including two 100% Club Treasurer Awards, five 100% Club Secretary Awards, the 100% Club President Award, the club Lion of the Year Award, two Ohio Lions Council of Governor’s Awards of Merit, the Ohio Special Appreciation Award, a Key Member Award, three International President’s Awards, two International President’s Certificates of Appreciation and Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor the association grants its members. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow and a James T. Coffey Fellow.


In addition to his Lion activities, Past Director Brown is active in numerous professional and community organizations. In the past, he served as president of the Champaign County Cancer Association board of directors. He is an active member of his church.


Past Director Brown and his wife, Brenda, a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, have two children and five grandchildren.

Past International Director Gary Brown passed away on April 8, 2019. You can read his obituary printed in the Urbana Daily Citizen.


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